Recap: We had lots of fun at Sock Summit 2011. And even though my boss did not believe me, yes there are thousands of people that attend a convention like that. My daughter and I took the train to Portland and it went smoothly. Nici opened a bottle of carbonated water and sprayed it all over everything. Passenger across the way: "Now it's a party!"
It made my camera wet, so it wouldn't even start up. Luckily it was just water. It works fine now that everything has dried.
Nici: "Oh, look! A horse!" Me: "That's a tree."
Nici: "I think there's a seal in the river!!!!" Me: "That's a rock."
It was very entertaining since we both operated on three hours of sleep and some alcoholic beverages the night before.
We met the people we are closest to on Ravelry finally in person. That was the biggest thing for me!
And I bought an (for me) insane amount of yarn and patterns and project bags. Hey! Now I have an excuse to start more knits! After all...what do I have all the project bags for if there are no projects in them, right?
I am already in savings mode for the next Sock Summit in 2013. :)
In knitterly news: I have completed the test knit of the Crescent Lake Shawl. Even though it is rather inexpensive yarn, it turned out great. I love the color changes. I added green sparkely beads and they really pop.
I started the "Spring Awakening" Shawl for a dear friend. No pics, because she might be reading this. That's why there are no pics on Rav
Still knitting on the Kamile shawl, small size.
I also got the 60 inch long Chiao Goo knitting needles. I am absolutely in love with them. They currently hold my "Sopro" shawl.
Next week I'm on vacation. Should have some pics of finished knitting to post then.