Friday, January 1, 2010

Making a list and checking it twice.....

No. I am not Santa and I am also not waaaaay behind on holidays.
My title is referring to the list of things to do in 2010.

                                 HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I have a list for 2010. Items are as follows:

1.)Loose 20 pounds.
 By the end of the year I hope to have lost the 20 pounds I gained since I turned 40. I started out by making a soup with all the healthy ingredients and only 140 calories per serving. Which is one cup. Perfect. By 9pm today I had eaten all 4 servings that I made. It was just so delicious. So No. 1 on my list is going well.

2.)Take my Etsy shop to success.
  I put new items on today 10 minutes after midnight. I updated the profile, the shop message and tinkered around with the items. Did I mention I did this 10 minutes after midnight? I need a life!!!!!

3.) Save money for a vacation.
  I can already write "Yeah, right" under this resolution. My dream would be to go to Cape Town in South Africa. But I'm pretty sure that is a few years in the making. Might as well cross that off this years list.

That's all I have on my list so far. I even bought a Day Planner today. It was 50% off at Barnes and Noble and I could not resist.
Who came up with the term "Day Planner" anyway? I wake up, go to work,come home,eat,goof around,sleep and repeat.Really don't need to plan that, do I?

So far I'm doing pretty good with my "List of 2010". I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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