Somewhere in the Universe sits a God or Goddess and snickers. Mainly because they created not enough hours in the day. At least for me....
But first things first.
My camera broke. It dropped onto the couch, bounced onto the floor and now all outdoor pictures are just white. No matter what setting. The indoor ones turn out long as I turn off all lights. ???
So for now pics with the Blackberry. Which work surprisingly well.
Here is the finished shawl made from Nici's hand spun mentioned in the previous post.:
Another shawl was finished this weekend. For my good friend Sarah whose birthday is on Saturday. Oh, I so hope she likes it!!!! The first time I started a shawl from the widest point and decreased. Pretty neat! Here is a picture of "Sarah's Spring Wrap": Made from Cascade Heritage Sock. Very soft and very rich colors.
I am also hosting a Mystery Knit along in the FGF group on Ravelry. This should be fun. I will probably never ever want to do it again. Especially since I had forgotten what month I signed on for. Now I had to knit all three designs at once, because I wanted to make it like a multiple options pattern. But all is well in the Knitting Universe now. Pattern is ready, one of my glove patterns is in the KnitPicks catalog, a lace stole pattern is in the designing stages, a heavier warmer shawl is on the needles for me ( another pattern from the wonderful Seni , or Ines Sousa, called "Estio"). I have picked up on a baby blanket that was a test knit and required only three repeats to be done. I think I'll finish it for a friend of Nici's.Let's see....... That's pretty much it. Here a quick photo of the shawl for me in progress: Knitted from Malabrigo "Rios". Ultra soft and very pretty colors. Join the KAL if you is right here:
I believe I finally understand true addiction. Mind you...I was a pack-a-day cigarette smoker three years ago. That was easier to quit than this new indulgence of mine! It occurred to me yesterday that I just replaced one addiction with another.
Here's the story: I perused a shop on etsy called ToPlyFiberArts. She has awesome hand dyed yarn. But also beautiful roving. Since my daughter Nici is the spinner I ordered some roving I really liked . It was a light gray with purple and cream and some light pink in it.
Nici spun it up for me and I paired the yarn (which looked just gray in the skeins) with a pattern called "Duett der Elis". You can look it up on my Ravelry page, if you like.
Talk about the perfect pairing!!!! It's like crack!!!!!
I have knitted since last night! The yarn is yummy! So soft. The color is so subtle that you don't notice the slight changes from gray to cream to lavender to pink until it is knitted and you look at it in daylight. Or take a picture.
Like this one......
So not only am I giddy with pride (mind you she spun that with a drop spindle!!!), I am also addicted to the pattern and am eager to try it out with different yarns.
This is one of those "to be continued" things, me thinks.
Needless to say: do not cast on when you had a glass of wine. It will turn out as follows:
Pattern: "Cast on 275 stitches"
Me: "Okay.......count'em: 273. Okay...add 2 more....count'em......283....what the hell.....drop 8.....count'em...261....WTF?????"
Now my daughter has a wishlist from me for Sweater quantities.
Better get going, Rumpelstilzchen!!!!!
Taking the perfect picture is not as easy as it might sound. You have to grab the camera, the model, all projects you want to photograph and drive to the park on a nice sunny day.
Here is a short tutorial to taking the perfect pictures:
1.) Call model and bribe her with a visit to Starbucks after the photo shoot.
2.) Pack projects and camera with spare batteries. (Ask me how I know about batteries....)
3.) Pick up model.
4.) Listen to complaints about models love life and calorie counts for the 20 minute ride to the park.
5.) Lug complaining model, camera and projects to the favorite spot at the park.
6.) Get model (wearing shawl) into the right light and the right position.
7.) Get camera to the right setting, line up perfect picture and get blank screen and the warning: "Low battery!"
8.) Change batteries while listening to model whine how long she should hold this position.
9.) Line up shot to discover she has put the shawl on wrong side out.
10.) Rearrange model and shot. Discover light has changed now and you have to move the location.
11.) Finally take shot and get a few decent pictures.
12.) Pack up projects and camera. Load into car including model which is still complaining.
13.) Drive model to Starbucks, pay for order, try to tune out model.
14.) Drive model home. Shoot model and self in driveway, leaving note saying: " I can't take it anymore!"
Yup! I'm sold, addicted, caught up, hook-line and sinker. Lace. Good bye, fingerless gloves. Good bye, socks. It was nice while it lasted. But alas...I have to move on to bigger skies and wider shores.
Or something like that. I can't believe how ridiculously in love I am with lace shawls. Prefer the triangular style. Did a test knit for a round one, but while that turned out very nice...I still prefer a triangle pointing to my butt. There's really nothing to point at, so goddess knows why.
Modeled by my daughter: "Icy Kamile". I used white iridescent beads. They don't really show up in the photo. Buy there are better views on my project page right here:
Right now I am working on the Sopro Shawl. No beads in the pattern itself, but that has never stopped me. And another half circle shawl is in the making for a friends birthday. No pics or she will know.....pssst. It's a secret.
I shall keep you updated on my lace adventures.
This morning.....late morning that phone kept ringing. Seemed to be an out of country number. Thinking one of my relatives in Germany might be the caller, I answered and was assaulted by a very fast avalanche of spanish spoken by a man. I heard the name Rosa Maria several times. Speaking no spanish myself I simply said: "Sorry, you must have the wrong number." Which had no effect whatsoever on the avalanche.
We played this tag team game twice...then I just let it go to voice mail. Eight (8) times.
Later this afternoon the same number called. With a sigh I answered. A very very nice mature lady informed me that her father was calling my number. He is in his late 80's, has dementia and Alzheimers and was convinced he had dialed his daughters phone. Apparently he did that a few times before the family got an inkling of what he was doing.
The sad part is...his daughter Rosa-Maria died 13 years ago.
Recap: We had lots of fun at Sock Summit 2011. And even though my boss did not believe me, yes there are thousands of people that attend a convention like that. My daughter and I took the train to Portland and it went smoothly. Nici opened a bottle of carbonated water and sprayed it all over everything. Passenger across the way: "Now it's a party!"
It made my camera wet, so it wouldn't even start up. Luckily it was just water. It works fine now that everything has dried.
Nici: "Oh, look! A horse!" Me: "That's a tree."
Nici: "I think there's a seal in the river!!!!" Me: "That's a rock."
It was very entertaining since we both operated on three hours of sleep and some alcoholic beverages the night before.
We met the people we are closest to on Ravelry finally in person. That was the biggest thing for me!
And I bought an (for me) insane amount of yarn and patterns and project bags. Hey! Now I have an excuse to start more knits! After all...what do I have all the project bags for if there are no projects in them, right?
I am already in savings mode for the next Sock Summit in 2013. :)
In knitterly news: I have completed the test knit of the Crescent Lake Shawl. Even though it is rather inexpensive yarn, it turned out great. I love the color changes. I added green sparkely beads and they really pop.
I started the "Spring Awakening" Shawl for a dear friend. No pics, because she might be reading this. That's why there are no pics on Rav
Still knitting on the Kamile shawl, small size.
I also got the 60 inch long Chiao Goo knitting needles. I am absolutely in love with them. They currently hold my "Sopro" shawl.
Next week I'm on vacation. Should have some pics of finished knitting to post then.
Anyway...I discovered today: whether a Mammogram hurts or not is largely dependent on the technician.
For the past six years I have gotten the procedure done every other year. Until this time it was always Alma (a lovely mother of 6 in her 50's from Mexico). She was always friendly, asked if you were doing alright, if she could move the "item" to be scanned a little more over here.
Alma doesn't work there anymore.
Today it was a young lady who's name I don't remember. She was clearly on auto pilot. You could tell by the way she was emotionlessly rattling the same sentences off to you that she has rattled off to ladies all day long..
"Relax those shoulders, hun..okay...take a deep breath...relax the shoulder, hun...."
Well, lady if you wouldn't toss them around like a dead fish, I might relax!! They are attached to me, you know?
If I could detach them, I would have just mailed them in!
Everything seems okay, but if the Radiologist needs more images...blah, blah, blah.
On your way out drop the dirty gown....What do you mean "DIRTY"??? Lady, I took a shower and shaved my underarms before I came in here..alright?
Could you just say "used"?
So it was not as much fun this time. Good bye Alma...wherever you are. My coconuts and I miss you....sorely!
I don't know what happened. I was so wrapped up in doctors and tests and other things that I neglected the blogging.(Can you be fined for neglecting a blog??)
The young one was finally diagnosed with severe migraines. My Dad had them really bad. I hardly ever get a headache, so it must have skipped a generation. At least we know now what is going on and can deal with it.
Many things happening in Karin's Knitting World: I am doing a test knit for one amazing designer: Ines Sousa. Her ravelry name is "seni" if you like to check her out. I'm using the Schoppel Wolle "Zauberball", which is just the most wonderful yarn I have worked with in a long time. And I love the long color changes. And..Yes! I am using beads. This shawl is gonna be really nice!
I did finish the socks for Nici's birthday with two days to spare....cutting it kinda close, lol
A friend whose DIL is going through chemo asked me if I would knit a hat for her. Well, of course. So I settled on a week and a half of time and then my competitive little brain turned it into a challenge. How many hats can I knit in a week and a half? Turns out the magic number is: (drum roll please....) 7!
My friend was very happy, she will let her DIL pick the ones she likes and donate the other ones.
Here are five of them. Now I have to figure out why photobucket is telling me that my pic is no longer available from the owner...which would be
If you want, you can look at the other ones on my project page on Ravelry under the tab "Mika's hats".
I also started a pair of strangely constructed socks. A fellow raveler suggested :"just trust the pattern" and that's what I'm doing. They are called "Skew" and are a challenge. But the end result will be very nice.
I am trying (purely for myself) to avoid the word "awesome". The universe is awesome. A hot dog....not so much.
Anyway...I'm striking up a friendship with the musician I mentioned before. Since he shows interest..all bets are off. I am pulling out all the stops. LOL!!
Much to the amusement of my children.
So far I got some nice additions to my wardrobe (new shirts and a cute skirt) and I have actually thrown away some things from my antiquated closet. I had to be heavily sedated for this...but I did it.
On to more adventures!
Quite a bit. The things I am currently working on are: a simple pair of fingerless gloves, mindless knitting while I wait in waiting rooms, examination rooms, while we figure out what's ailing my 13-year old. That girl has seen more doctors in the past 4 weeks that I have in my entire life!
A pair of socks for my soon-to-be 23-year old for her birthday.
A test knit I finished recently for a pair of very pretty lacy fingerless mitts. I will be making them again in a pretty peach color for my friend Tammy"s wedding. Here are the matching photos, btw.
The "Hwaet" socks from the Sanguine Gryphon. The entire Beowulf Saga in the original language on a pair of socks. The Wannabe-Historian in me could not resist. Using my friend Debbie's hand dyed yarn. Loving every minute of knitting these.
Two new designs are up for test knitting right now on Ravelry.
Went to see NiteCrew again last the invitation of the keyboard player. We saw them the last weekend in April and he invited us to their next performance this Friday.
To say the least: it was interesting. The place was a Sports Bar/Lounge. A couple of very strange characters there.
The main attraction were clearly two ladies that decided to sport a corset as appropriate attire. If you are DESPERATE! Both had ample "front porches" more so than the other. And really: once your boobs have their own zip code, you might want to reconsider stuffing them in a cup size A 32.
Had a lot of fun though, just watching people.
Here is a little tid bit of conversation I had with a clearly drunk guy.
Guy: "You have an accent...where you from?"
Me: "From Germany."
Guy: "Oh, really? Cool! I'm going to Italy in two weeks."
Me: ....
What do you say to that? Where is the relation? I guess it made sense in his head, lol.
In other news: A triangular shawl design is in the making. A little different approach. I hope to have it ready for testing by the end of April.
I want a piercing in my nose, I want those wrinkles gone around my eyes, I want a blue streak in my hair and I want to wear flowing long skirts, lots of necklaces and higher heels. I want to wear my hand knit socks in the open. I want to get a bellybutton piercing. I want liposuction.
I want to get up when I want, be creative, go out with friends, go to bed when I want and do it again the next day. I want a boyfriend. I want to be my own boss. I want to sing in a band again.
I feel stifled, caged in and beat down by a friggin' environment that I don't care for. I don't want to be what society wants me to be.
* bows*
Thank you.
There is a reason why I made an emergency trip to Michael's last night. There is also a reason why I was up way past midnight knitting one ginormous slipper sock.
It all started with my daughter's best friend getting hurt in PE. Called Physical I went to school it was called Gym class. PE was when my Dad smacked me on the head for something incredibly stupid, dangerous or disrespectful I had done. But I digress.
Daughter's best friend got hurt in Gym class. One lengthy Emergency Room visit later it is clear she severely sprained her ankle. One large wrapping around the foot and she is sent home. Around 7 pm my daughter gets the text message that the slipper socks I knitted won't fit over the wrapped foot. And her toes are cold.
Since I didn't have enough yarn in a color she liked, we had to make an emergency run to Michael's. Since I was there, I picked up some yarn for a summer t-shirt I want to knit. You know... In case the yarn is not available anymore next week. And some more yarn for fast slipper socks.
So a few hours later the orange-purple monster was created. It is well loved and keeps wrapped toesie's warm. Another crisis averted by the Mighty Knitter. TaDa!!!!
A short trip to the yarn store. I happen to misplace tape measures quite often. That's what my kids think. I am convinced that there is a small Black Hole under my couch that swallows knitting notions if you don't watch them. Somewhere in a parallel universe a knitter's house is full of my tape measures and stitch markers.
So...short trip to the yarn store. Fondling some Baby Cashmerino from Debbie Bliss. Holding three colors together that would look amazing in a color work glove. But the price of almost $ 30 made me put them back.
Then it happened.
At the checkout the owner says: "You know, I'm getting a large shipment in on Tuesday and I will be marking the Rowan and some other yarns at 50% off. If you want, you can get it now...."
Turning on my heel I go back and grab some Ella Rae Lace Merino, some Rowan Tapestry, some wonderful soft acrylic blends and a skein of Regia Sock yarn.
End result: $50.
So apparently I have a problem with $30 regular price, but not $ 50 sale price?
What just happened?
In other news: The Elephant gloves have been test knitted.
Here is a pic: She's cute...isn't she?
Nothing severe had to be changed in the pattern, just made a little clearer.
I'm having this awful chest cold that takes my voice away...literally. And when it is back I sound like Barry White. Just...less sexy.
Working on a simple stranded color work design now, that will be up for another secret, Black Ops, clandestine, stealthy testing mission soon.
I swear... I don't know where I would be without my testers. I love them all.
WHAT????? I have not posted pictures of my latest gloves? The Psychedelic sheep? The leafs? How could I forget? might have something to do with the person that decided 8:00am is a good time to start working.
Anyway..the challenge of knitting 11 pairs of fingerless gloves in 2011 is completed. Piece of cake. Now my goal is to find out how many I can knit in a year and then sell them all at Bazaars around Christmas to support the yarn habit.
Designing a pair of fingerless gloves for the youngest one right now. She wants Elephants. So...color work it is. She picks a gray background and orange Elephants. That's my kid after all, lol. Have a look at the psychedelic sheep.
Purple sheep, orange grass, a yellow sky with green clouds. The colors, dude!
Will post pics when the Elephants are done.
May be looking for test knitters.
I should also get back in my kitchen for some more yarn dyeing.
To be continued......
I love a good glass of wine. I used to love smoking, but gave that up. I used to like nicely seasoned food, but cut way back on that. All in the name of better health and getting off Blood pressure medication and borderline high cholesterol.
Had some ringing in my ear that lasted only seconds. Checked it out online. Could be Blood pressure. Dr is concerned about high numbers. Put me on meds which kicked my butt for about a week until body adjusted.
It is freezing here right now. I am talking 14 degrees, which is highly unusual for these parts of the country. So I had a glass of mulled wine.
Got me a second one and decided to look if alcohol raises Blood pressure. It does. So I said a hearty: "Fuck it" and took a swig.
They already took my favorite foods and my cigarettes. Not that I could afford smoking anymore, but that's not the point.
If I was by myself in this world I would have fun. I would buy a motorcycle, smoke, drink and have a effing good time until I fall of my Harley with a heart attack.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Just a quick update on the "11 pairs of FG's in 2011" knit-along on Ravelry. I have completed all 11 pairs.
I should get my head checked. I don't know why I get so competitive with these things. Now I will see how many pairs I can knit by 12/31/2011.
Here is a picture of the last 4 pairs:
Seven pairs of the 11 FG's in 2011 have been finished. If my dear daughter gets her behind in gear and finishes spinning the yarn I need, pair # 7.5 will turn into pair # 8. Pair 9 and 10 are on the needles. I might undo # 10, because they will be a little tight.....says the woman with the puny wrists.
I really love this challenge. I'm making up my own. How many can I knit in 2011.
Let me tell you: I would be much more productive if that darn day job wouldn't get in the way. Or...if I could just barter for rent and stuff. "I knit you socks for 1 month of electricity". A lace shawl for two months of rent.
Today I got Renter's insurance. With a rider for all my yarn and fabric. Hey, don't snicker! This is a investment. I have at least a few thousand dollars worth of supplies around here. And the people upstairs are imbeciles. Letter sent to us from the Manager: "Do NOT use the fireplace. It is not safe. Wait until they were inspected and fixed."
Speaking with upstairs neighbor about distinct smell of smoke coming from their apartment. Their response: "It's not really a fire. Just one of those sweeper logs.."
What part of DO NOT USE FIREPLACE did they not understand? I'm not taking any chances. I got insurance for 34 dollars a month. It's worth it to me. Here's some eye candy for ya'll. The last three finished pairs of gloves. I shall knit the coffee ones again, because they turned out rather small. Says the woman with the small hands....hahahahaha.
From left to right the patterns are all available on Ravelry:
Mystique, Michelle fingerless mitts, Instant human. The last one is also available with the word TEA instead of coffee.
See ya laters......
Here's the deal: yarn label says 5 st = 1 in. Swatch (yes, I went there!) confirms. Wrist circumference is 5 in. so in all logic 25 st should equal 5 in. And yet it cuts off circulation to my hand. ??? So I cast on 36 st, since I need a number divisible by 6. Now it literally falls off my hand. sighs.
On a lighter note: I have blocked the lacy gloves more lengthwise than wide and they turned out beautifully. I have therefore finished pair 3 and 4 for the 11 in 2011 challenge. Pair 4 was a two-color project that looks awesome. Even my 13-year old requested a pair. I also made a pair of "Susie's Reading Mitts". Love the yarn, but will gift the gloves, because they are too long in the cuff for my taste.
The purple (or bordeaux) ones are a Mystery Knit along I am part of. FUN! Last clue is due tomorrow.
I have the most lovely test knitter helping me out with the secret test knits for the book. Her name is Eliana and her input is very valuable and I really like her suggestions. Just a few more details to take care of, before I can submit the proposal. Keep your fingers crossed.
One more pair completed for the 11 in '11 Knit-along on Ravelry. The pattern was interesting, some beading was involved, but even though I went down a needle size, they came out very large. The designer suggested I block them with emphasis on lengthwise, rather than width, and I shall give that a try.
Another pair of slipper socks completed and number 6 are on the needles. I also started the third pair of the Knit-along mitts.
And then I cast on another one, because I should be designing a few more fingerless gloves for the book proposal, but I am the Queen of procrastination. One pair is off to the tester, yarn and beads provided.
Hope she likes it. The tech editor found some spelling mistakes....oops, that's what happens when you are in a hurry, lol.
I have all these ideas, but I hate putting them on the computer. For me typing up a pattern is torture. Usually programs are not designed to follow MY I end up with spaces where I don't want any, half deleted get the idea.....I don't know which button I pushed last week, but suddenly everything looked like alien writing. sighs
Going out tonight....watching Nitecrew again and having some fun. I just love to watch people....You wouldn't believe how many of them don't seem to have mirrors at home.
If any of my followers (all 11 of them) would like to be a secret test knitter, drop me a line. Maybe having people lined up will make me work faster.....or not.
What can I say....I test knitted this pattern for a lady on Ravelry and I swear, she put something in the pattern that makes them addictive.
I helped Nici out and knitted a pair for her Mother in law, then my youngest requested some "sunshiny" ones. Enter Michael's Yarn Sale and a 25% off-your-entire-purchase-coupon and you get socks, socks and more socks.
You can find the pattern here:
So far I made 4 pairs and pair number 5 is on the needles. It doesn't help that the Charisma Yarn form Loops & Threads comes in absolutely lovely, luscious, gorgeous, scrumptious colors. Easy knit, fast and like I said: addicting.
Give them a try. I bet you can't resist them either. And they make great, inexpensive gifts.
As soon as I figure out what she sprinkled into the pattern, I'll let you know.
My darling daughter hand spun some yarn. I got her the roving last year from etsy and she made this wonderful yarn out of it. I am even more tickled that I got the first batch! I knitted some fingerless gloves from it (of course, what else?) and thought plain stockinette stitch would show off the yarn best. The photo doesn't really do it justice. Once the weather clears up around here ( about June, I think ) I shall take gorgeous pics of a gorgeous glove. Until then:
I started on the second pair of my 11 pairs in 2011 Knit along. Wonderful lace weight gloves. I kept complaining the whole time that they were too big. Went down a needle size ( now I am knitting with 00; I feel like James Bond) and they are still kinda loose. It would have made for a lot less complaining if SOMEONE would have mentioned that they are knitted from hand to cuff! Sheesh! Now it all makes a lot more sense.
The book proposal is still in the works. Some patterns are currently being test knitted. Secretly of course. In an undisclosed location.
I am hoping that I will get everything sorted by the end of January.
Got off early again from work today. Instead of doing something productive I decided the kitchen needed cleaning. Yay procrastination!
Darling daughter is going out tomorrow and has her younger sister helping her to find the perfect outfit. I'm not sure if I should laugh or worry about this.......
A new Knit Along in the Fingerless Gloves Fanatics on Ravelry. 11 pairs of FGF's in 2011!! I am loving it! I got the kit for some awesome color work gloves from my daughter Nici for Christmas and I started on 01/01/2011 five minutes after midnight. (My 13-year old says I need a life, but what does she know...).Here's a pic of the first glove finished on 01/03/2011.
They even look cool from the inside! LOL.
I still plan on proposing a book and I am currently working on some patterns.
I had this great idea where I would incorporate beads into the pattern. On the first and third round of a purl stitch that pretty much runs for five rounds in the pattern.
(Every round does not work. It makes it all bulgy. Ask me how I
And the beads showed up wonderfully! On the inside of the glove.....Back to the drawing board.
Test Knitters will be needed. But it will be like a CIA operation. Read pattern, memorize and eat it. No evidence is to be left behind. And if you speak about it, you will disappear. Just like that.
I am also determined to finish the Agatha Cardigan I started last year. Here's a picture. did I make that work?
Never mind. I am a lot farther along in the knitting. I ever so gingerly tried it on and it fits perfectly!!!!! I am so excited to finish this one.
I am also participating in another test knit for some long FGF's with the option of knitting fingers. They are really cool and I will post a photo when I have the first one finished.
My friend Cozy Spirit's yarn was on the front page of Etsy!!! That's awesome.
I had quite a few sales last year and already a custom order from a repeat customer. Those are the best. It means you are doing something right.
I bought some awesome yarn from a fellow Etsian last year. You should check her out if you get a chance. Here is the link to her shop:
Please check it out. Her customer service is great and the yarn is so squishy soft and just mmmmmmmh. If you know what I mean. Guess where I will spend part of my next
Speaking of is achingly slow at the dentists office. Lots of cancellations, a lot of people have lost their jobs and therefore their insurance.....whole afternoons and days are empty in the schedule.
Sign of the times I guess. I have more time off to do my crafty stuff. Which is nice, but doesn't pay the bills....yet.
Working on that.
This will be my Mantra for the year 2011: